Fire Protection Equipment Maintanance

Fire protection equipment (extinguishers, hydrants) maintenance – Legnica, Wrocław, an many other

We maintain and service fire protection equipment: 

  •     Fire extinguishers,
  •     External hydrants,

  •     Internal hydrants,

Maintenance and service are carried out in the building and they are confirmed by a report. Besides, on every fire extinguisher there is a lamp that indicates its proper work.

When a fire extinguisher has to be renovated, we take it to the service point, and if there is a need we provide substitute extinguishers.

What is more, we can fully equip your building with fire extinguishers and its signing .

Over 300 companies have trusted us so far. Become one of them...

Required frequency of maintenance of different equipment: 

Equipment type:

Maintenance frequency:

Fire extinguishers 

once a year at least

Internal hydrantsonce

a year at least ( every 5 years hose pressure check-up)

External hydrants

once a year at least

Evacuation lightsonce

a year at least

Contact us if you have any questions:

Equipment’s sales and maintenance coordinator :

Waldemar Szklarz
Phone +48 881 693 371

If you have any questions, contact us !

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